Resistance in the First World

Revolution in the Third World. Resistance in the First World.

A lot of people ask if Third Worldists advocate for doing anything at all in the First World. The answer is, YES we do advocate for something. We advocate for Civil Rights and Pantherism. 
We do not put down those that are following Marxism-Leninism even though it is outdated. We completely back genuine Marxist-Leninist-Maoists whenever they are carrying out the correct line. When it is the Anarchists that put out the correct line we endorse that line. But to have a Revolution in the First World, this would require a mass of people for Revolution. Most of the First Worlders will fight tooth and nail to prevent Revolution, so we need to do as the Black Panther Party did by raising awareness and taking advantage of all of the  contradictions in Countries like the United States. The Resistance must be lead by the Revolutionaries not Liberals.
The murder of George Floyd has resulted in a major awakening, but time will tell if this will bring class consciousness to the masses or not. We have put a lot into the protests, many of us have been arrested and then released on bail. Resistance in the First World means a new Civil Rights Movement fueled by Pantherism instead of Liberalism. Resistance in the First World means Decolonization with Liberation of the Fourth World connecting it to the Third World. Resistance in the First World means helping to reawaken Blackness as National Class Consciousness.


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