
Showing posts from January, 2020

What RAIM is not telling their supporters

The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement is No More that is the title of the last publication of this came out on December 10, 2019.  The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement was a group formed with a plagiarized name that claimed to uphold Maoism-Third Worldism. The Global Revolutionary Shining Path was formed in 2016 by a small number of Black Maoist-Third Worldists that felt that the Leading Light Communist Organization was failing to produce a program that would bring better resources to the Third World revolutionaries which actually needed the backing. We have expanded our organization, however we knew that our own organization may not endure. Because we care more about popularizing the correct line than we do about numbers in an organization we decided to partner with the Internationalist Resistance Guard which has its main headquarters in Los Angeles, California. The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Movement is connected to an interwoven org