Marxism-Leninism-Maoism IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH

Every single Press Office we have built in the Third World is no more. 

Covid-19 has made most Third Worlder Journalists very sick. A total of 82 Third Worlders that we worked very hard to empower as their own Press Agents have died from the Corona Virus. The analysis of Jason Unruhe is correct. The Global Class Divide goes as follows;

1. The First World exploits the Third World.
2. The Second World consists of the developing and declining Countries.
3. The Third World is exploited by the First World.
4. The Fourth World is the Colonized World imprisoned by the First World. 


The Fourth World includes Native Americans/First Nations, also including Indigenous Aztec Mexicans that are labeled Latino or Hispanic having much in common with the Indigenous Palestinians. The Fourth World also includes the Māori who live under the New Zealand Occupation. The Fourth World also includes the Aboriginal Indigenous Australian peoples living under the White Australian Occupation. 

Most of us (members of the Global Revolutionary Shining Path) just happen to be Fourth Worlders. 

The rest of us (members of the Global Revolutionary Shining Path) are New Afrikans which is the greatest contradiction within the First World. George Floyd's murder took us by storm. This very post is being written by a New African (Black) member of the Global Revolutionary Shining Path. The systemic problems within Marxism are only confronted by Marxist-Leninist-Maoists to a point but Maoists will never go as far as they should. The most important being religiosity. Fredrick Danson was wrong about certain issues, he was not wrong about everything. Religion is a matter of Orientation just as much as Sexual Attraction is a matter of Orientation. For the revolutionary science of Marxism to survive we need to shake off the anti-religious dogmas that plague Marxism. How many Maoists even know that not all Confucianism is the same? Most if not all Marxist-Leninist-Maoists never investigate Confucianism because they never even consider that Mao Zedong might have been completely wrong about Confucius. 

Dynastic Confucianism does not represent Confucianism.

The Confucianism that Mao saw was not the only version of Confucianism. Indeed we have to go further and admit that the Confucianism of the Chinese Emperors was a perversion of Confucianism. The systemic issues within Marxism that must be uprooted for the sake of saving Marxism as the revolutionary science is a task that only Maoist-Third Worldists have the resolve to preform. 

Reject Cowardly First Worldism!!! 
Be of Courage and fly high the Banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Third Worldism!!! 


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