Long live Bolivia and Long live Evo Morales

Long live Evo Morales the People of Bolivia's President. Evo Morales has announced his intention to return to Bolivia, his ally Luis Arce secured a victory in the Country’s presidential election. This is a very good thing. The time has now come for Humanity to get very serious about Socialism. The DPRK and Cuba are the only actually existing Socialist Countries today. The DPRK needs a lot more Nuclear Weapons than it has. The notion that the United States of America would ever denuclearize is pure fantasy. It is a priority for several Third World Countries to acquire Nuclear Weapons as a deterrent against the United States of America. 

On a ideological level there are many Communists in Vietnam both domestically and in government. However Vietnam as a Country is not Socialist, the Market Reforms have taken Socialism away from the People of Vietnam. There needs to be a international boycott of Market Socialism because all Market Socialism can ever do is degenerate into Capitalism. Unfortunately the economic state that Vietnam finds it self in is the economic state that Cuba is beginning more and more to show signs of. This brings us to the ironic topic of South American Socialism better known as Bolivarianism. Both Venezuela and Bolivia constitute as Third World Social Democratic Countries attempting to build up Socialism in their Countries. Social Democracy in the First World Countries are heavy in their exploitation of the Third World. Social Democracy in the Third World potentially constitutes the opposite, the capacity of Third World Social Democracy to become Socialist is very real. But the parasitic nature of nonviolent actions by these Countries is reactionary, the masses must get armed and ready to be at war with average Americans of whom innately hate indigenous South American Peoples.


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