Black New Afrika

There is a Black Nation, a New Afrika Nation. With the Original Black Panther Party we had a way, it was an Internationalist Movement. We are lumpenproletariat of the First World and we need to get back to our roots of International Proletarian Struggle, if we struggle for ourselves alone for liberal handouts then it will spell our doom. We must begin to organize a strategic urban resistance in the First World and smuggle all the wealth of AmeriKKKa back to Afrika. We could very well see a new eugenics aimed against us. we see the Concentration Camps and we know what is coming. We should offer no solidarity to the First World Costumer Service Workers, doing so is counter-revolutionary.
No solidarity for poor White settlers in Georgia, Louisiana, or Mississippi. On the contrary we need to sabotage any organized Trade Unions they have. The South must never rise. We don't need White allies who plan on just killing us after they get what they want from the System. Our friends are the Third World Revolutionaries. We need to build up new organizations learning from the original Black Panther Party, the Maoist Internationalist Movement and the Leading Light Communist Organization but in a way that applies to our conditions today. Within the First World, the theory and practice of Maoism-Third Worldism can only be fully explained and led by New Afrika and the Native Americans; and no one else.  
The more dissatisfied our people become, the better. Let us organize Resistance in the First World.
No one who stands with the Police is a friend of Black People. Black Police hate us even more than White Police because they hate themselves. We must organize against First World Interests and go International. Oppressed People all over the World should become armed so that they can fight off their oppressors. It is impossible for us to have a Revolution in the First World, but we could have Revolution in the Third World by supplying them with what ever they need. This must be done at the expense of the First World, in the most brutal way possible.


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